Arashia asked me to go to her church with her late on sat night. (This church happens to be a church started by my friend Rosemary and her husband Andrew. Arashia sings in the choir there, but I attend a church in Hatfield. ) I agreed cuz(I had this feeling I should go there). As soon as we got there, the pastor said, 'I knew you'd come today, your friends are here.' And there was Steve and wife Alison. Apparently God had told them the night b4 that they were to come to this same church. I met Alison months ago at Hemel sports centre where our home-educated children do various activities. We're both commited christians so we often stopped for a chat together. Her hubby, Steve is the guy who ministered to me at the sports centre (whilst my kids were swimming! and I didn't know him from Adam until his wife came and introduced us!!!) I wrote it on my website on loc-hair ties pg 4th oct 2006. I was excited bc I know he moves in the power of the holy spirit. And I was not disappointed. I saw him pray and prophesy over people,including Arashia. Then he called me. I was shaking like a leaf bc I knew God had something to say to me. Oh my! He did too. Without going into details here, God said he'd heard my prayers, he'd seen my tears, the breakthrough is on the way. Infact I was given a time-frame (which is very unusual)..2 months.This confirmed what God had already told me and it's actually the 3rd confirmation I've had concerning the situation I've been seeking him about. We ended up going to lunch with Steve,wife, friend and kids. Back on That day, when I had that encounter at the sports centre, I was feeling particularly bad. I had had a very bad night with a circulatory problem and I really didn't feel like taking the kids out, but I made myself go. Steve told me he didn't know why he came (bc he never comes there) until he saw me and knew he was to pray for me. He'd never met me, knew nothing about me, yet by a word of knowledge, he told me 'God wants to heal you of a circulatory problem.' God uses him like that, in all sorts of places, shops, airports, aeroplanes etc he is often directed to total strangers.
Friends, we're living in exciting times. God's confirming his word with healings, signs, miracles, wonders,supernatural provision - in all sorts of ways. He's answering prayer and changing situations. The impossible, has b'come possible. Guys, I thought this was a hair blog. But God's got other ideas. I will have to come back with Arashia testimonies, Anne's testimonies, Helen's testimonies.... but I have to ask their permission and when the time is right and God permits, I'll write my full story here.