Thursday, 19 April 2012

loc pictures from Ghana

Ama & Amba

4 locked heads. Ama,Amba,me,Akweley(my sis-in-law loc convert)
Amba & I

With a loc filler in my locs....


Bajan Lily said...

You guys are so beautiful. Your skin, your hair, your smiles. So fresh and natural and healthy looking, I love it!

anthia-ofo said...

Thank you! I'm sure it's the sun, fresh food and relaxed way of living.

KnottyAuthor said...

awesomeness! i want to come!

anthia-ofo said...

Chele, you must come!!

Kittylocks said...

These are wonderful pictures, you are all so naturally beautiful now I know why I want to go to Ghana x