T444Z is the hair product I was
referring to, in an earlier post. This is an ALL natural growth aid. It contains: aloe, herbal extract,rose oil, chamomile, menthol, rosemary leaf extract,
castor oil, peppermint, papaya extracts, vitamin A, carrot extracts,
Shea butter and essential oils.
This is what it says on the jar: for massive hair growth, volume and thickness. Repairs hair line. Stops balding,dandruff,scalp dryness,itchiness and hair loss.
Directions: apply T44Z massaging into the scalp. Apply to the whole head once a week. For damaged areas, such as bald patches and hair-line, apply daily.
Now we all know of products that claim to work miracles on restoring/repairing hair so I always take such claims with a pinch of salt. But I was sold on this b'cos my friend Eni actually knows a lady whose bald patch grew hair using this. So we went all the way to Luton to buy T44Z off someone. When I saw the ingredients, I thought this can't be bad, it's got all the stuff I would normally use to try to stimulate my scalp. As usual I haven't been consistent in using it. And quite frankly, using it everyday is out of the question. I'm going to try for 3x weekly, instead of the once in while if-I-remember-method. I wish I could tell y'all that I got some dramatic results. But I can feel tiny hairs on my scalp where there was none. Who Knows if it's T444Z? It's def God though cos I'm praying. But Maybe this stuff's helping. I know some of you readers have had, or are having a serious battle with alopecia/hairloss. This post is for you, and anyone who finds themselves in this perplexing situation. You don't know why it's happened, what you did wrong,or whether your ancestors left you this nasty calling card. Whatever it is,There's hope. Even Genetics can be changed for the better by the power of God...and I think this is a product worth trying. I'm trying to source it and sell it too, so watch this space.