Friday, 17 August 2012

Latest Client E

This is my latest client install. God's given me a special technique to speed the installation process and make the loc tight to minmise movement within the loc. She

has very fine delicate hair, extremely coily, but it should plump out and begin locking quickly. She would have a little less than 200 locs in total. It was a pleasure to work on such a spirit-filled woman.


Anonymous said...

E's locs will turn out beautifully.

anthia-ofo said...

I discovered folks couldnt comment due to yet another blogger problem. I think I've fixed it now so go ahead...comment!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ofo, Seiwa here.
I'm fascinated - what's this new technique? Are you using it to retighten your own locs?
Please post progress photos of your client's locs so we can see how she gets along.

anthia-ofo said...

No. It's only for starting locs. I was planning to do 2 st twist when I got the inspiration to do it a different way. It incoporates braiding/wrapping twisting/and latching and makes the starter loc very tight and stable. I had practiced this same technique on my false locs. It works!

anthia-ofo said...

I saw E a few days unraveling in sight. Her starter locs just looked a little fluffier. Will be posting her progress soon.

Kittylocks said...

Wow Ofo these look good

anthia-ofo said...

Thanks Kittylocs. Means a lot coming from a pro...