Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Re-growing hair! wierd products helping

Improvement on the crown of my head. The space used to be several miles wide. I've noticed lots of stubby little hairs and the bare areas reducing in size. I wish I could point to some magic thing I've been doing. The one thing I've been consistent in is praying and speaking the WORD to my scalp and hair lol. I massage when I remember.(Lie with your feet up against a wall and massage my temple behind my ears and forehead in an upward motion to encourage blood flow-10 mins)
I rub the concoction below on my scalp 1-2x a week. I wash 1x10days-2wks using JASON tea tree treatment, scalp normalizing sulphate free-shampoo for 1st wash(concentrating on my scalp) and Head organics for the 2nd wash(concentrating on the locs). I follow this with an ACV rinse paying particular attn to my scalp. I then dilute a dollop of Moisture Maniac conditioner in a bowl and bath my locs in it. After that it's rinse rinse rinse.
This odd looking mix was given me by my pastor's wife. I don't know the exact ingredients,(she wasn't willing to divulge the secret) but I found out at least 6 people including herself and daughter had regrown their hair using this mixture.(BTW this woman had some form of scarring alopoecia as a result of Lupus, and lost all her hair. The daughter-only 10 yrs, had severe relaxer damage). She formulated this and after using it for some months her hair finally grew back. Thankfully her daughter's hair is back too andshe's natural. I had to educate her about relaxers....anyway, she was sceptical about me using it bc I had locs and advised me to cut them off so I could get to my scalp. You all know the answer was NO, I can reach my scalp alright!Initially I was going to give her some money to make it, but she decided to give it to me for free.
This is what it looked like after I gave it a good stir. I'm certain it's petroleum based so it was a bit of a dilema. Finally I came up with the soltion. I take a tsp and mix it with my own concoction which is oil based, thinning it out quite a bit. I Make sure to put it on my scalp ONLY.

I mix her mix with my mix, and this is what it looks like. You can see the herbs in it. Seiwa if you are reading this, I'll be sending you some. She says she wants feed-back after 3 months. I've been using this for just about 3 weeks so it's early days.


Lynneedee said...

Hi Ofo.
Happy New Year to you.
I read your recent blog with much interest and am intrigued by the hair - growing concoction.
Your story sounds a bit like Madame CJ Walker's experience!
Anyhow, I'm so glad you have a herbal and oil based formula which works for you. Please keep us informed of your progress.


anthia-ofo said...

Happy New Year Lyn! The dear lady won't tell me what's in it and I felt it was rude to push (I'm guessing 1 of the herbs is indian hemp)... since she prob would like to market it later. I'm one of her guinea pigs- kinda. She swears by her concoction so we'll see.

Anonymous said...

Wohoo! Can't wait to receive it! I was reading your post with envy, not knowing there was a reward for me at the end!
Thank you, thank you thank you!

Locs2Envy said...

Your locks are gorgeous!

anthia-ofo said...

Thx Ni.
Hehehe you're welcome Seiwa. You know I had to include you. Then we can keep tabs on each other. I dont know how many things I start using then quit. You shd get it sometime next week.

Kittylocks said...

Happy new year Ofo this looks interesting

Bajan Lily said...

Happy new year Ofo.
I'm watching with keen interest (for obvious reasons lol)
God bless xx

JUST Euphoria said...

I too am watching & if she is looking for another guinea pig I would love to try her product & happy New Year to you sweetie

anthia-ofo said...

Bajan I'm really trying to be consistent this time.
Euphoria, I'll tell her she has a willing guinea pig across the waters LOl. Happy new year to you too.

KnottyAuthor said...

hmmm keep us posted and congrats on the new growth!

anthia-ofo said...

Thx Chele, where you been hiding?

Lynneedee said...

Hi Ofo.

And this time I wish you Happy Easter!
Are you still seeing progress with you Pastor's wife's hair oil mix?
Please do a posting soon and keep us informed of your progress.
Actually, just do a posting anyway, as I love to read your hair blog!
Take care and all the best,