I decided to go one step further and package my skin creams and body butters. I will be building a website for this so I can sell them online. my friend Anne of photoartistry has offered to do proper photos for me. Meanwhile you just have to make do with these.
Wow Ofo....oh yes a need to update you re the other thing. Look out for my email sometime today.
ooooh looking good! All the best and lemme know when the site is up!
Congratulations! Do it! I too am in the process of starting a haircare line to launch next year! Good luck and keep us posted on when stuff will be available!
Thanks ladies. I must get this website up and running soon. I'll be sure to let y'all know.
Oh sis.All the best with this!Proud of you!
Thank you Thandi. It's a giant leap of faith!
Hey..How about trying quorn as a substitute? it would be good to have the same texture with any vegetables you may have.
Ok Thandi, does it absorb flavours of the spices? I'm putting this same question on you blog to make sure you see it.
LOL.I have absolutely no idea if quorn does. But I know tofu does.And with tofu,you can marinade it in the spices first.
Congratulations!!! Keep pressing forward. I wish you well. Get that website up and running soon!!! The world is waiting for your products! BLESSINGS!!!
All the best wishes to you!! Let us know when you are up and running!
Thanks for the encouragement msfullroller and mile high.
Thank you Thandi, I found a veg coconut/cream curry recipe and cooked it today. It's actually very tasty.
Sorry, all you guys who can't follow the food conversation lol.
congratulations! more entrepreneurs in the sisterhood! yipee!
Thanks Chele for the encouragement.A friend has offered to sell some in her cafe(they sell homemade products) and I'll be approaching a shop in town too so pray for me guys
I've selling my home-made chicken corriander cream curries too! Ok I'll do a seperate blog on that, but As soon as Folks taste it they give me an order. Someone requested a veg version, hence my questions to Thandi. I did it and they'll give me the feedback.
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