This is what it says on the jar: for massive hair growth, volume and thickness. Repairs hair line. Stops balding,dandruff,scalp dryness,itchiness and hair loss.
Directions: apply T44Z massaging into the scalp. Apply to the whole head once a week. For damaged areas, such as bald patches and hair-line, apply daily.
Now we all know of products that claim to work miracles on restoring/repairing hair so I always take such claims with a pinch of salt. But I was sold on this b'cos my friend Eni actually knows a lady whose bald patch grew hair using this. So we went all the way to Luton to buy T44Z off someone. When I saw the ingredients, I thought this can't be bad, it's got all the stuff I would normally use to try to stimulate my scalp. As usual I haven't been consistent in using it. And quite frankly, using it everyday is out of the question. I'm going to try for 3x weekly, instead of the once in while if-I-remember-method. I wish I could tell y'all that I got some dramatic results. But I can feel tiny hairs on my scalp where there was none. Who Knows if it's T444Z? It's def God though cos I'm praying. But Maybe this stuff's helping. I know some of you readers have had, or are having a serious battle with alopecia/hairloss. This post is for you, and anyone who finds themselves in this perplexing situation. You don't know why it's happened, what you did wrong,or whether your ancestors left you this nasty calling card. Whatever it is,There's hope. Even Genetics can be changed for the better by the power of God...and I think this is a product worth trying. I'm trying to source it and sell it too, so watch this space.
thanks for the post I would like more info as where to buy & how much is the product I live in the USA do you know if it is available here, thanks, and please keep us posted on the product updates
Euphoria, I dont know if it's in the USA. I'll find out. Yes I will keep you posted.
@ Euphoria, Yes this product is in the USA, I just ordered it 4 days ago From this Lady. Her name is Brenda and her # is 617-504-3727 and her Email is Bdornevil@hotmail.com
i live in Leyton and i want info on the nearest place i cant get hold of this product
I live in Melbourne Australia, any chance of gettin some here?
i live in new jersey i would like to know where to find the product at least i can buy it
I live in Australia and I bought this product yesterday from this lady Brenda and she does ship it all over the world. I got her information from www.t444zhairfood.com and her email is Brenda@t444zhairfood.com phone 617-504-3727 she lives in Boston USA
i live in texas and i need it as well.
This is a link to contacts or distributors here in the UK http://www.t444z.com/contacts.htm
Thanks anonymous for the info for those living in Australia or the USA. If you're in the USA you can also check Euphoria's blog for more info bc she bought some there.
For everyones information, I've started using it more regularly. I dissolve a little and add peppermint and cinnamon leaf eo, plus aloe vera, coconut castor& hempseed oils. The product already contains some of these, but I'm concoction this for a reason which I'll probably blog about later.
I have been using T444Z for the last year now
and I can honestly say that I have tried everything on the market to thicken up, grow and generally help with the thinning at the sides of my temples.
Even though my hair was a 'decent' length (on my shoulders, it was very thin and 'ratty'and broken from the 'lace-front' glue.
I attended the 'Black Hair & Beauty Show' UK, in May 2010. I have been using the T444Z product and I can honestly say that my hair has volumised, the sides have come back and my hair has grown considerably.
I have now become a rep for the company, so if you need to purchase the product, you can go to www.T444Z.com to 'Contacts' I will provide you with as many as you need. Especially if you live in the London area. I am based in Enfield North London.
I live in Romford ,who do i contact for this product plz.
I live in croydon who do i contact for this product
UK contact is http://www.t444z.com/contacts.htm
If you go on this pg you shd be able to find a distributor.
For anonymous in Leyton, i purchased T444Z 3 weeks ago. The ladies have left now, but they said they will be back in January. £12.99 for a 150g jar. it has a very nice smell, keeps the hair soft, but too early for growth results.we'll keep you posted.
Hi, I did not know what to write comment as: so I will come up as Anonymous, however this is my story, my name is lulu I bought this product 't444z' one year ago, but only used it sparingly. My hair is damaged from the roots and I have been living with a bald patch at the front of my hair for over 18 years. I came in contact with a distributor called Lydia-lovely woman-6 weeks ago and she told me to use the product daily on my damaged scalp and see what happens. Guess what within four weeks i have have sprouting out from the damaged area of my scalp. This is what I call a miracle, hair I thought I would never see has started growing from that patch in my scalp. As a result I have started selling the product, because I know it worked for me. I live in Hackney East London UK, My contact number is 07861477487.
This stuff does really work! I had a thinning hairline from lace wig, and a bald patch at the back. I have used this T444z for a month now andbthe results are amazing I have massive hair growth and the hairline has grown dramatically!
Thx Esther and anons who have shared,I'm sure folks are being helped my this. I myself have used t44z mixed with JBCO,mustard oil,and essential oils and have had some success. So it's certainly worth a try.
I would like to order a jar of T444z I live in Birmingham UK. where can I get it help?
I am a T444Z distributor looking after Australi,New Zealand,SouthAfrica,Zimbabwe,Namibia and Botswana and anyway inthe world,you can join me on facebook Exquisite Hair nerunako or call +61447522540 or email tafymari@yahoo.com
A miracle! this product has realy changed the whole of me. my hair is growing fast and i love it. I met this lady Lidya in kenya and she introduced it to me. may God bless her.
You will find you nearest stockist at:
Happy Hair Journey!
Hey I can testify that this product works. I have been part of a group that is distributing this product in South Africa and all of our clients are getting great results. We have been in operation for almost a year and have hundreds of people on our clientèle base. So far they have all seen vast improvements albeit some faster than others. But a product where 100% of the sample gets some positive results will definitely get my vote. Order from us on hair@nicheprod.net
Hi. i'm abt to start using the product. I know i works because i have a cousin who had serious problems with her hairAnd her hair has improved tremendously. So fo all those who want the product i'm also distributing in zimbabwe.
Hi i am a new distrbutor my name is charlene i am base between london and france so if u need to order or concultation please let me know
My details:
My num:07702081639
My skype: charlene.makeup
My e-mail : shineofbeauty1984@gmail.com
My instagrame: shineofbeauty
My twitter : charls shine
You can also get this product at 94 Lower Clapton Road London E5 OQR thanks at a really good price.
pls how do i get the cream...i live in nottingham
pls where can i get the cream..i live in nottingham
Hey, thanks for the post. I live in Germany, how do i get a tub of this?
Had anyone who had used t444z with some success followed the instructions to a t? I.e use only once a week, and don't use any other oil/product on your scalp?
I live in the Nederlands(Holland) where can I buy this product?
I am a T444Z Distributor, based in Harare, Zimbabwe...
T444z can be used by people of all ages and races (Yes men, you can use it too!). As it is made from all natural products it is great for children and individuals who like to keep their hair chemical free. The product has so many uses – treatment of balding, thinning hair, hairline damage, and scalp infections or for the growth and increased volume of your hair. It is truly a concoction of Mother Nature’s best hair care remedies.
Contact: Noncie on +263 772 328 204
Please where i can find jbco and mustard oil
Hi. This product helped me so much so that my sisters want to try it. I live in Centurion- South Africa. How can I join to become a distributor?
The T4447 did little for me on its own but when I mixed it 50/50 with Daktarin (available from chemists without prescription) I started to see real growth around my hairline. I rub the mix into my scalp about 3 or 4 times a week at night, and don't bother to wash out. My hairline is really growing in again :)I've been using this combo for about 2-3 months now.
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